For those with a boiler heating system it is important that the boiler is tuned-up once a year. It is recommended that you have a boiler tuned-up in the fall to ensure that the boiler is ready for the winter season. There are a number of reasons why a homeowner should tune-up a boiler. For one, it ensures the boiler is fit for another heating season. Additionally, tuning-up a boiler helps extend the life of the heating system, ensures your heating system is reliable and improves efficiency. Absolute P&M Services will share what is involved in a boiler tune-up so homeowners can better understand what maintenance is needed for a boiler heating system.
What Does a Boiler Heating Tune Up Include?
When tuning up a boiler system there are a lot of different areas that the HVAC technician will cover. One of the first places they often start is with the thermostat to make sure the thermostat is working and on all the right settings. The HVAC technician will then begin inspecting the boiler system. Often the burners are inspected and are cleaned. Then the boiler’s LWCO and ALWCO is disassembled and checked for sludge, corrosion or other defects. The boiler will also need to be cleaned inside and out. If there are any signs of scales or corrosion on the water side of the boiler, the inside of the boiler will need to be cleaned. Should there be any signs of soot or damage on outside of the burning side of the boiler, the area is cleaned and then evaluated to ensure the boiler is safe.
Hydrotest a Boiler
Boilers can also develop leaks around the tube and joints. Hydro testing a boiler helps to reveal any leaks in the boiler. If there are leaks detected, they are repaired. The gas pressure is also checked and if needed, calibrated. If the gas pressure is not proper, the boiler heating system is compromised. Another area that is inspected is the refractory which can develop broken and fallen parts. The safety valve will also need to be either replaced if it is worn down or certifies to be unsafe. Another test boiler needs is a bubble test of the fuel trains which make sure the safety shut off valves work properly.
Can I Store Things Next to My Boiler?
Another more basic maintenance that the homeowner can do is to make sure the room and area of the boiler is cleaned. It is important that nothing interferes with the boiler system, not only to ensure it is reliable but safe as well. In the boilers room, check the air vents and make sure they are open. It is important that air vents inside the boiler room are open as the boiler produces carbon emissions which make the boiler a hazardous environment. The vent ensures that the air is being ventilated and the boiler room is kept safe.
Boiler & Furnace Maintenance, Repairs, Replacement & More in Santa Fe, Tomball, Sugar Land, Galveston, Austin & Greater Houston, Texas
This is a basic idea of what goes into a boiler tune-up. It is important to have your boiler tuned up once a year to ensure the heating is ready for winter. When you own a boiler there is a lot involved in maintaining your home’s heating system. When you need a boiler tune-up contact Absolute P&M Services.