All HVAC professionals will encourage homeowners to schedule an air conditioning tune-ups during the spring season. Spring is the transitional season where we go from using the heating system to the cooling system. During the transitional season is the best time to have your air conditioner system tuned-up in preparation for the upcoming hot summer season. Absolute P&M Services will share some of the many benefits of air conditioner tune-ups and how now is the perfect time to tune up your cooling system.
Improve Energy Efficiency
When you tune-up your air conditioner, you are also improving its efficiency. When the air conditioner system is tuned-up it is thoroughly inspected, cleaned, the screws and bolts tightened, and the refrigerant refilled if needed. With proper tune-ups, the air conditioner will function at peak performance that will ensure top efficiency. Not only will tuning-up the air conditioner help increase efficiency, it will also prevent premature wear and tear of the air conditioning system.
Save Money on Air Conditioning Bill
When tuning-up your air conditioner you are increasing its performance which in turn helps lower your energy bill. With better efficiency, there is no additional stress being put on the air conditioner. Less stress means less power being used. Additionally, the air ducts and other basic components are inspected and checked for leaks to prevent energy waste. When having your air conditioner tuned-up you will have the peace of mind that you are spending the minimal amount of energy needed to cool your home.
Lessen Chance of AC Repairs
Another major benefit of having the air conditioner unit tuned-up is less repair needs. By having the air conditioner tuned-up before every major cooling season, you are preventing many repairs. Air conditioners that are neglected will require repair sooner than the properly cared for air conditioner. With proper maintenance the air conditioner is cleaned, lubricated and loose components are tightened back in place. Minor problems are also detected and attended to, such as clogged drains, rusty components, worn down belts and so much more. By keeping the smaller problems in check, you are helping to keep the entire system from failing as well as preventing major repairs.
Increased Indoor Comfort
When you have your air conditioner serviced yearly you can also enjoy having a comfortable home all summer long. Your air conditioner system is far more reliable with no unexpected hitches during the hot summer season. To have reliable air conditioning, make sure to have your air conditioning system tuned-up in the spring or once a year during the season of your choosing.
Longer Lasting Air Conditioner
When replacing an air conditioner unit you are easily investing thousands of dollars. Replacing an air conditioner unit is no easy expense. This is another major reason why air conditioner maintenance is so essential. With proper maintenance you can extend the life of your cooling system and prolong the need for replacement and repairs.
Central Air Conditioning Services & More in Santa Fe, Tomball, Sugar Land, Galveston & Greater Houston, Texas
Don’t hesitate to schedule an air conditioner tune-up. Contact Absolute P&M Services for your A/C inspection and tune-up, and schedule an appointment today!